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Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!

Wrekin Class (EYFS Nursery, Reception and Year 1)

Welcome to Wrekin Class!


Welcome to Wrekin class - the home of EYFS and Year One. Wrekin class is currently taught by Mrs Brown and Miss Randall. 


We are vibrant busy class with two year groups of Nursery, a Reception cohort and a Year one cohort altogether! The children enjoy a wide range of activities both within the class as well as a dedicated covered courtyard (with the opportunity to spill out into a larger area).

All children are involved with phonics, writing and maths on a daily basis. They are also enjoying the start of their reading journey where we have a good breadth of material (both fiction and non-fiction). The Year one children also explore all other areas of the Year One curriculum within this setting.

Forest School has proved very popular, here the children have the opportunity to roam wild in our wild area - digging, planting and exploring.

Above all is the opportunities to let their imagination run wild whatever they are doing!


This half term in Wrekin class we are learning about Poppy Power and Shipwreck Rescue!

In English we will be exploring Nibbles the Book Monster! We will use a number of books to help us in creating a diary entry as if we are one of the characters from the book. Our SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) focus will be on our use of capital letters and full stops, as well as beginning to look at joining words, concentrating on the word ‘and’.

Maths will be taught in line with the National Curriculum expectations for Year 1 and Reception.  This term, children will be focusing on recognizing numbers in Reception and Addition and Subtraction in Year 1. We will all look at our shapes, including naming them and understanding properties. We will look at reasoning and problem solving within these areas.

Science this term will primarily focus on materials! We have lots of fun ways to explore materials and their purposes, looking at floating, sinking and performing simple tests to keep our teddy bear dry.

This half term we are focussing on art. We will be looking at self portraits, and creating these in a range of different ways. We will learn how to draw ourselves, and also portray this in a variety of ways, including mixed media and painting.

This term focuses on History and the importance of the poppy. We will look at the history of the poppy, its relevance and importance, as well as Remembrance Day and understanding what happens. We will then move on to looking at Grace Darling and her significance in history.

Our question in RE is “What does it mean to belong to a faith community?”. We will look at what Jesus said about comparing others, as well as looking at the celebrations of Christians and Muslims. We will also be performing our Nativity this half term.

This half term in PSHE we will look at ourselves, understanding our emotions and how to manage these. We will look at why we are valuable, as well as why others are valuable, and set goals for ourselves to achieve. We will develop ways to relax, including using breathing exercises.

In our communication sessions we are focussing on different nursery rhymes. We will be concentrating on participating in small groups, class and one-to-one discussions using new vocabulary. As well as this, we will be using our Nativity practise to understanding the world around me and practising story telling.

In PE this half term we will be focussing on Games, understanding what a game is, tracking balls, developing throwing skills and choosing different ways to receive/throw a ball. Reception will also be looking at their throwing and catching skills, developing overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination, and agility.

In forest school we will be creating bug hotels and looking at seasonal changes.


What does our week look like?