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Beckbury C of E Primary School home page

Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!


Applications to school 

To apply for a school place, parents in England must apply to their home local authority (to whichever local authority they make council tax payments) even if they are applying for a school place in another part of England. The local authority (LA) processes the application and informs the applicant of the result.

Parents make one application, naming up to 3 schools of their preference. The application process is the same even if a school is its own admission authority (eg aided, foundation school, or an academy) and regardless of whether the application is for Reception, Junior, Secondary School. In-year application are generally handled by the school.


Parents of Reception children in Shropshire will be required, in the Autumn Term prior to the school year of admission, to complete an LA Application Form stating preferences for up to three schools. The School Admissions Team at the Local Authority determine how these places are allocated. Parents are notified of places towards the end of the Spring Term for Reception children. Specific dates and information is given in the LA Information Pack (contact details below).


For further information please speak to the School Administrator.


Mid-Term Transfers 

We welcome prospective parents to visit our school. If your child currently attends another primary school and you are considering applying for a place at Beckbury School then please telephone the school administrator who will be able to arrange for you and your child to visit. Often children join our school mid-term due to a house move or a change in family circumstances, but we also know that on occasion, parents will consider school moves for other reasons. We can also offer taster days in advance of a place being accepted.


From September 2024


From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.


We welcome prospective parents to visit our school.  If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy - Homepage (


Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.



Further Information and Points of Contact

For further information you can contact the School Admissions Team directly at: 


Tel: 01743 254 364

Fax: 01743 254 500


Shropshire Council,

Learning and Skills,

Shirehall, Abbey Foregate,

Shrewsbury, Shropshire,

SY2 6ND.

Admissions Arrangements and Criteria


The admission arrangements 2023/24 for community and voluntary controlled schools in the Shropshire local authority area were determined by Shropshire Council Cabinet.


The admission arrangements and criteria have been published on Shropshire Council's website at:


If you have any further questions or queries we can help you with please do not hesitate to ask. We will be happy to help.

DRAFT Admission Arrangements for 2026/27

Admission Policy (Entry during 2024/25 academic year)