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Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!

Brecon Class(Year 4, 5, 6)

Welcome to Brecon Class! 


Welcome to Brecon class where years 4, 5 and 6 learn together. Our class is taught by two teachers: Mrs Grinnell and Mrs Gomersall and we are supported by our amazing teaching assistants. In our classroom, we work hard, support one another and celebrate each other’s successes.


We strive to provide as many opportunities for our KS2 children as possible. We are actively involved in local sporting tournaments and festivals and have a weekly session with our sports coach too. This term the children are also involved in an inter-school times table championship, sporting events run by our Year 6 Bronze Ambassadors and they can also attend Stop Motion lunchtime club if they wish.


Please take a look at our photographs to see what else we get up to!

We have a busy term in Brecon Class ahead. We are learning about Romans. In English Our written work will be based on
Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit . This is written from the point of view of a Roman girl and boy who experience the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. This book links directly with our History topic and so the children will write in character describing settings, making diary entries, writing letters and writing in the future, whilst
incorporating flashbacks.

In History, we will be learning about the lives and achievements of the Romans with a particular focus on their invasion of Great Britain. We will be looking in detail about what changes the Romans brought to the people living in Britain at the time and also how the Romans have impacted our lives today. We will be supplementing our learning in the classroom with a trip – further details to follow.

In science, we will be studying the circulatory system: identifying the function of the heart, lungs and blood. Through investigations, the children will find the capacity of their lungs, comparing them with their peers, and the effect of exercise on the heart. Through research, we will discover the importance of William Harvey in being the first person to identify the circuit of the blood from the heart and returning to the heart.

In RE, we will be asking the question, ‘What does it mean to Christians if God is both loving and holy?’ Children will look at why some people believe in a God and others don’t, whilst identifying characteristics of the Christian God, using bible passages to support their understanding. 

In PSHCE, all children will be looking at families and relationships. Years 5 & 6 will be looking at friendship and the importance of mutual respect. They will learn how to deal with difficult relationships and conflict, finishing with the impact of stereotyping. Year 4 will also be learning about Friendship and families alongside Year 3.

Mr Watkins, our new sports coach, will be teaching hockey this term on a Monday afternoon. He is excited to bring his knowledge and experience to help us further develop our skills and understanding of invasion games.
Mrs Gomersall will be teaching OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) including orienteering. We will be working on our teamwork, problem-solving, building resilience and improving our map reading skills.

Our Amazing Homework!

What does our week look like?

Our learning in class