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Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!

Malvern Class (Year 2, 3)

Welcome to Malvern Class!




In Malvern Class Years 2, and 3 work together to create an inspiring learning environment. Our class is taught by Miss Brown and we are supported by fantastic teaching assistants throughout the day. We strive to make learning fun and interactive and build a nurturing environment as the children move into KS1 from EYFS. 


The children in Malvern Class benefit from regularly having a sports coach to support their PE and tournaments within our sports partnership. Music is a passion of Miss Brown's so there's always a song to learn or an instrument to play! 

We will be learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age in our History lessons. We will begin by placing the Stone Age in the context of world history before focussing on key elements of the historical period such as the discovery of Skara-Brae and the understanding we developed from that. We will also look at the development of tools across the Bronze age and Iron age. 

To start our English work this half term, we will be reading “Stone Age Boy”, which links wonderfully with our History work.

We will be using role-play to explore different aspects of Stone Age communities and make comparisons between then and modern life. We will also be revising and embedding our use of speech punctuation, writing dialogues between different characters at different parts of the story.   

In maths we will be moving onto multiplication and division skills, Y2s focusing on 2s. 5s, 10s, 3s and Year 3s adding in 4s, 6s, and 8s. We will be exploring what the terms equal and unequal mean and recognising the structure of multiplying and dividing. Year 3s will move onto written methods to calculate bigger numbers using known facts. This would be a wonderful time to dig out the TTRS password!

This half term in Science we will be exploring how rocks are formed. We have a wide variety of samples of rocks to explore in class, developing our understanding of terms such as igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. We will also explore our own grounds to see what examples we can find around the school.

 In RE this half term we will be discovering more about Muslims and their religious practises. We will look at the Shahadah and the 5 pillars of Islam to better understand their differing ways they speak to God (Allah). We will also be examining and creating art inspired by the many names of Allah.

Linking with our work on the Stone Age, in art we will be discovering how ancient People have been creating art for 10s of thousands of years. We will use examples of cave paintings from around the world to inspire our own artwork and use beach pebbles to create our own “cave” paintings.

In computing building on last half term’s knowledge of input and output devices, we will be exploring deeper into the insides of a computer to better understand the communication systems between input and output.

PSHE will be taught in Key Stages, with the Year 1/2s being taught by Miss Randall and the Year 3s being taught alongside the Year 4s by Miss Brown. Both groups will begin by finishing Health and Wellbeing in Y2 and Citizenship in Y3. We will then swap and Y2s will learn about Citizenship and the Y3s will explore Health and Wellbeing.

Throughout this year we will be expanding our musical instrument skills on our new chromatic glockenspiels. Each half term will focus on a different musical style from around the world, with the core skills of reading and writing musical notation, playing in time, singing and developing musicality. Our next theme is Calypso music.

PE will be on Monday afternoons with Mr Watkins, who will be working on Dance with the children. Our second PE session will be on Friday afternoons with Miss Brown who will be covering different ways we can move our bodies in circuits.


Our Amazing Homework!

What does our week look like?