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Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!

Welcome from our Head of School

A warm welcome to Beckbury CE Primary School


I am very proud to be the Head of School at Beckbury CE Primary School. 


At Beckbury School we hold our Christian values at the heart of everything we do; responsibility, respect and resilience. 


As part of The Trinity Federation, we always strive to ensure all our children achieve their academic potential but also ensure that our curriculum supports our pupils'   social and mental well being as well as many other skills which will be needed as they move on through life.


The education and welfare of our children are of utmost importance and I feel very proud of the work our staff, leadership and governor teams do to achieve the positive relationships with children and families in our community. 


We encourage you to come and see us, so please book a tour around our school.


With warm regards,


Mrs H. Brown

Head of School



Contact us on

Telephone: 01952 750287