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Beckbury C of E Primary School home page

Beckbury CE Primary School

Small School... Big Family!

Collective Worship

As a Church of England school we have a special link with the local church of St. Milburga, Beckbury.  The Reverend frequently leads collective worship for the school and we attend the church for special celebrations along with other members of staff, Head of School, visitors and pupils. 


Through our Collective worship we aim to:

  • To inspire individuals to choose their own positive personal, social, moral and spiritual beliefs and values and to be aware of developing and deepening them as world citizens;
  • To widen our knowledge and understanding of different cultures and faiths, including our own;
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and demonstrate how to live life as Christian;
  • To explore together the ways in which individuals can live out our Christian faith;
  • To develop our awareness of the nature of the Church and the relationship between the Church and the community;
  • To explore together the richness of the mixed culture of our country, recognising, understanding and valuing both similarities and differences in belief and practices;
  • To develop in pupils a capacity to engage in a search for meaning and purpose in order to enhance their own spiritual and moral growth.



Right of Withdrawal In accordance with the Education Reform Act of 1998

We acknowledge the right of parents to withdraw their child from Acts of Collective Worship and religious education should they wish to do so, and if this situation arises within school, suitable arrangements for the supervision of the child during these periods will be made.


St. Milburga Award

Our St. Milburga Award is given out at our Celebration Worship on Fridays. This award recognises those children that are living out their lives through our Christian values. 




What do our pupils think of our Christian roots?


"I understand what our Christian Values are and why we have them"

"I like hearing about the values and seeing them around school" 

"I really enjoy The Lost Sheep and the meaning behind this as we are such a small school"

"I know some of us are Christian and some of us are not, and that is ok as long as we respect and value each other"